Wednesday, January 2, 2008

1st post of 2008.....

I guess I'll just get a few resolutions out of the way....
1. Keep better records (like an excel file with exact numbers like I used to)
2. Play more hours when I am in Vegas (both online and live)...35 hours per week seems reasonable.
3. Get BR to $80K by end of lease in June and buy a house.
4. Never have a losing session in 2008 (just kidding, but I am off to a 2 for 2 start!)

I played online yesterday with my little brother, Kevin, playing right beside me on his laptop. He has been playing small stakes NL, but he has been crushing it winning like 12-14 buy-ins or something in a few days. I started off running pretty bad and then won like 6 hands all at the same time. I busted a guy with KK, flopped top set, flopped another set, and made quads seriously almost at the same time (I was playing 4 tables) and before I knew it I ended up winning almost $900 in a little over an hour. I had been losing so I wanted to just book a small win and be done for the I quit.

I played the PLO today at Aztar and I played tighter than I probably ever have in that game (which is hard to do!). It didn't help that I had Matt and Roger to my left and knew there was a pretty decent chance that it was going to get raised if I decided to limp in. I hardly won any hands and certainly didn't win any big hands, but somehow I managed to win $733. Sadly, that is going to be the last time I get to play in that game for a while since I am leaving for Hawaii on Friday. During my trip home I played in the game 4 times and my results were: -$27, +$2,796, -$819, and +$733. That is a total profit of $2,683...I estimate that I played in the game for about 18 hours total which is an hourly rate of around $150. Actually, I don't think that is too far from an accurate win rate for me in that game (prolly closer to $100 now that I think about it)....I am not even a good PLO player really, but that game is just soooo good.

After the PLO; Matt, Clint, Eric, and I played some 3 on 3 basketball at the, am I out of shape! Then we went to Eric's to watch the IU game and eat some pizza. They looked pretty good and are going to make for a fun Big 10 season.

Oh ya, this is kinda cool.....I can use my google analytics account to check all kinds of traffic stats on my blog.

Here are a few of the fun ones.....

1. I have had 178 total visits from 25 different people in 15 different cities
2. I've had 81 visits from Evansville, 50 from Newburgh (thanks to Dad and Josh I am sure), and 11 from Indy (thanks Matt).
3. 75% of you have my blog saved in your favorites OR you type my exact address in every time (which I find hard to believe). 17% of you got to my blog via searching for it on google (the most common search that led these people to my blog was "thakilla blog")
4. 88% of you use internet explorer and 81% of you have cable internet (not sure why I need to know that, but it shows me anyway)
5. 100% of you think reading my blog is your favorite part of the day (and I can't say that I blame you).


Anonymous said...

Patrick It has been fun reading your blogs and fun having you at home for the Holidays. Good luck with your 2008 resolutions and tell Jeff we said good luck.

Dad and Trudy

Anonymous said...

Sadly Pat, your blog IS the highlight of my day.

Good stuff, Happy New Year! Have a good time in Hawaii.
