Friday, December 14, 2007

Talk about a bad beat!!


Well, tonight was one of the most frustrating nights of poker ever. I didn't get cold decked or sucked out on and didn't lose that much money. In fact, I actually won money playing poker, but I left the poker room with less money than I went into it with. I was in the game for 1700 and I had been losing ALL night long, never going up or down too much at all. I didn't play any big pots really, I just missed lots of flops, had continuation bets fail, and made a couple of bad bluffs that got picked off. Then I went on a bit of a rush and won 3 decent pots in about an hours time and got somewhere around 600-800 winner. I went to cash out and I had $700 in bills and one full rack of $10 chips and another rack that was somewhere around halfway full. I know I had $4,000 in $100 bills when I started the day, but after I cashed out all of my chips and put all of my money together I only had a little over $1500 in money that I had just cashed out. I figured that I must have already put the $700 in cash I had with my other money ($2300 still in my rubber band) that I had in my pocket so I started counting all of the money I had and it just didn't add up. Somehow I only had $3800 in $100 bills. I talked to a supervisor about checking the cameras to see if I left it on the cashier's counter. Of course they said that I hadn't so I asked to see the footage myself. To my surprise they showed me the footage and sure enough, I picked up all of the money I had left on the counter! I just REALLY have no idea what happened to that extra $700, I just know for certain that I lost it somewhere.

It was just overly frustrating because I had been losing all night and did a good job of not tilting and fought my way back to get winner, but I still ended up losing money after my misplacement of my money.

One cool thing that happened tonight is that I got to play with the reigning world champion. Jerry Yang was playing at my first 5/10 NL table that I sat at. He changed seats and ended up immediately to my left. Usually, this sounds like it would be a bad thing to have a world champ on your left, but he played very loose/passive and I never really got involved in a pot with him. He moved to the main game after about 20 minutes, but while he was there he was very nice and friendly with people that wanted to talk to him and/or take pictures with him.

Anyway, I played about 7.5 hours tonight and ended up winning around 600 playing, but losing around $100 after my money mishap so I guess that brings me down to $2,799 in three days of playing and I now have to win $4,211 in the next 4 days of playing to reach my goal before I head home.

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