Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Back on track....

After I had those two really bad days in a row I took some time off and I think I have finally regrouped. My last two days of poker have been some of my most productive days of poker that I can ever remember having. I played 5.5 hours (4K hands) yesterday and just over 7 hours (5200) hands) today....all of 8 tables of $400 NL 6 max poker. In those two days I have won about $5,500 and that is probably the most amount of buy-ins (13.75) I have ever won in any two day stretch. It seems like I posted in an old blog somewhere about having a record day for the amount of hands played, but I searched through some of my old entries and couldn't find anything. Anyway, I will make it official and say that 5,216 is the most hands I have ever played in one day online.

I have decided to start breaking my adderall pill in half and taking the second half about 3 or 4 hours after I take the first half. It allows me to play longer sessions and that is always a good thing (as long as you are playing well). I don't even really notice a lack of focus from the reduced dosage so I don't see why I wouldn't keep doing it this way.

I am tried of sitting in front of the computer, but I feel like I have a lot more to say about my renewed focus on poker. It'll have to wait until tomorrow I guess. Time to go eat and gay it up with the roomies by watching the finale of American Idol without and women pressuring us to.

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