Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Well well well....

If this is what it looks like around the corner I think I have turned....I LIKE IT! I thought it was a pretty solid heater after winning 12.6k in two days time, but it has only gotten better since then. Yesterday I won around $4500 playing online and then went to the Bellagio and played for over 8 hours and lost $1370 playing 10/20. I could just never get much going for me and it was a struggle the whole time even though I felt like I was the best player in the game for a majority of the night. Today, however, was a different story...I had my biggest winning day of cash games EVER! I won $9,132! I obviously ran super hot and hardly lost any races and didn't get cold decked at all that I remember. Anyway, that brings my 5 day heater to a total of somwhere in the neighborhood of $25,000....so sick to think about.

One really cool thing I have done recently is that I have gotten set up with Jeff's good buddy, Adam Estes. He is a personal financial advisor and apparently pretty darn good at it. He helped me get my Roth IRA switched over to his firm and also set me up an account that acts as a checking account in the sense that I am able to withdraw funds to it DIRECTLY from my full tilt account! That makes saving MUCH easier.

One retarded question that poker novices will sometimes ask me is "what is the best hand you have ever gotten?" or sometimes it is "have you ever made a royal flush?" It is as if they think the better the player you are the more likely it is you will make a royal flush. I couldn't even remember if I had made a royal flush before today until this hand happened:


I hesitated for just a second before I called his all-in bet on the turn and typed in "whoops". This was the chat that followed:

rakata: i hate you thakilla
rakata: hope you get raped by 1 big horse
spades42011: only 1?
spades42011: i guess thats all it takes ...
rakata: uhmm... ok maybe 2
rakata: 1 for him and 1 for his mom
rakata: pfff.... floped royal flush! pfff! i never get
one of this and he flop that sick hand

(Mom and Grandma, I'm sorry that you had to read that, but I thought it was pretty funny)

Anyway, it usually isn't going to be very profitable flopping a royal flush since it will be difficult to get much action on it so I was very happy to get the guy to stick all his money in drawing completely dead :)

Also, Jeff played really well after coming back so quickly after having his appendectomy. He finished T18th and T21st I think the past too weeks and ended up finished 118th on the money list which means he will maintain full status on tour next year.

All is well in the land of thakilla.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Not only Mom & Grandma - your sister is sorry she had to read that! Congrats on a successful week. I hope you're doing well and look forward to seeing you at Christmas....