Monday, November 24, 2008

I just thought of a fantastic idea....

From time to time I will come up with a great idea for an invention or a cool way that something should be done. I almost never do anything about them, but it is still fun to think about them. I have even been disappointed before when I found out that someone else started producing one of my "inventions" before I got around to it....not that I was ever going to get around to it. This time though, I don't care if someone steals my fact, I hope they do!

I have no idea what made me think of this, but here goes anyway:

I think that anytime someone gets convicted of a DUI they should be given the normal punishments associated with a DUI, but in addition they should also be forever required to use specially marked license plates and driver's license that say "I am a convicted drunk driver". I think it should be very noticeable as well, perhaps an all red license plate or something to that affect. I think it would be a very strong deterrent towards drinking and driving. Here are some of the ways I think it would improve the current drinking and driving situation:

1. Police would be much more likely to pull someone over with specially marked plates so former offenders will be apprehensive to drive drunk again with the increased risk of being caught.
2. It would be pretty embarrassing to have to show a DUI branded drivers license anytime you needed to prove your identity and no one would want the gaudy looking bright red plate on their car either.
3. Other driver's on the road would be made more aware of potential drunk drivers.

Can you think of one good reason this shouldn't be a policy? Me either!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...