Friday, March 27, 2009

YES!! Random Act of Kindness: Part 2

So on my day off from poker I decided to be a bit of a go-getter. The first thing I did when I woke bright and early (3:30 pm) was put a load of laundry in. Without missing a beat, I quickly changed out of my PJ's and into something that was presentable to wear in public and walked out the door. You see, if I had let any more time lapse before leaving the house I surely would have found something else to distract me from starting on my errands. Anyway, I decided I was going to get my haircut and I am proud to say this was the very first day that I started noticing it needed to be cut!

Finally, I convinced the lady that I didn't really care how she cut my hair and that I just wanted her to do what she thought would look best. While I was getting my haircut a young girl, her friend, and her grandma walked in and the girl was explaining to the lady at the check-in counter what she wanted done to her hair. "A little bit more blonde, just a little bit trimmed off, and some black highlight streaks." You could tell she was pretty pumped and proud of what she had decided to do with her hair. The girl working the counter turned around to ask the boss lady (who was cutting my hair) how much all of this would be. She said it would be right about $100 and the girl looked to her grandma with anticipation. Her grandma, very matter of fact, said "$100?! I don't think so!" She tried to not get too visibly upset, but you could tell she was crushed. I was eavesdropping on them negotiating on some prices for different stuff they could do with her hair that was cheaper than what she intended to get done, but it was time for me to go back for my shampoo and the "green tea facial treatment". I know it sounds super duper gay, but it is really awesome! Basically she puts a hot towel on my face and I sit there for a while and then she comes and massages my face with some tingly feeling stuff that is pretty cool. The haircut, shampoo, and facial is $18 total which feels like stealing to me.

I asked the boss lady that was washing my hair if the girl was going to be able to get her hair colored and she said that it was to expensive and she was just getting it a little more blonde and a trim. I told her that I wanted to pay for her to get whatever is was that she wanted done when she first walked in. She looked at me like I was a crazy person and tried for about 3 minutes to talk me out of doing it! Finally, I convinced her I was serious and she went to tell her the good news. Needless, to say the little girl was very happy and the boss lady was telling anyone that would listen that I was a poker star and an angel and blah blah blah. It was a super cool feeling. The lady ended up only charging me $50 for the girls stuff she got done. I gave a nice tip and headed to get my car washed. Two chores in one day!


Anonymous said...

$18 is a steal. Why is it boss lady charged you only $50 for the same thing she would have charged the girl $100. She could have given the same deal to the girl and all would be happy. I think your random act of kindness made boss lady realize she could do the same and split the cost with you! Good job, once again!

PS-Was Grandma happy about the black streaks or dismayed that you intervened?

thakilla said...

I think the grandma was the happiest person in the whole place....

David Bergeron said...

Nice story:)

Nick said...

Very nice gesture indeed. What bothers me is that even though you had 100% good intentions, one or more of those ladies in the hair salon probably thought you were some weirdo.

What would really be interesting would be if you ran into the girl and her mother at the grocery store or something, the mother would probably think you were stalking the girl.

We live in a day and age where doing something nice is not normal and good to see you moving things in the right direction.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Nice work pal, that is a the feel good story of they year! how old was this girl? i am gonna guess about 14 since any girl younger than that should not be getting $100 dollars worth of highlights and also you would look like a child molester and 17 or 18 and it would look like your were hitting on an illegal teen and Chris Hansen will be in your living room. Finally, Nick is a cynical scrooge with a heart of stone, huh? What a Buzzkill!