Thursday, September 11, 2008

I'm ready to get back into my "routine"

I hardly have anything in my life that resembles anything that could be confused with a routine, but believe it or not I am ready to get back into my routine. I always do a lot of traveling and am constantly having friends visit me, but I usually manage to mix in some pretty decent stretches of hardcore poker playing between these times of leisure. However, since I did so well in my tournament I have been rather unmotivated to buckle down and get back to my routine. It seems like I haven't played any serious online poker during this entire time. I have had people come visit me, gone to visit other friends on several occasions, and gone home to visit family and friends for what seems like a month straight. I have spent lots of money on random stuff, lost considerably more than I have won playing poker, and eaten like a pig all while failing to exercise outside of the one time I swam in the lake at home.

I am really looking forward to getting back to Vegas and going grocery shopping for some decent healthy food. I don't want the stupid whole-foods type of healthy stuff, I just want to buy a ton of healthy choice/lean cuisine frozen meals and some applesauce and/or carrots type of snacky food. It sounds so boring, but I can't wait until my days consist of: getting up around noon, going for a swim, doing some push-ups and sit-ups so I can rationalize not going to the gym to really work out, weighing myself and charting my weight loss progress, eating some healthy frozen meal, taking a shower, playing 5-6 hours of hardcore online poker, winning lots of money and playing increasingly sharper for everyday that I stick to my routine, eating something else pretty healthy for dinner that I can make at home, watching some TV, maybe going to play some live poker at night, avoid doing any chores that can possibly be put off until a later date, not receiving or making one phone call for an entire day, and getting in my own bed with my own TV playing the same episode of sportscenter over and over all night long once I fall asleep about 3 minutes after getting into bed. I always claim that I don't like sticking to schedules, but I am pretty excited about getting back to this one and I think it is about the only kind that I am capable of enjoying. I believe this to be true because it is one that I chose, has virtually zero accountability to anyone except me, and is full of stuff that I think are fun/rewarding. Even with a schedule that is so non-demanding I am sure I will again grow bored with it and get burnt out sooner than I thought possible which will result in me searching for my next vacation stop along the way. Until then I look forward to getting home and making the most of my fresh start and clear mind.

I hope to get some moderately short term goals posted in here before I get back to to work so I have something to shoot for.

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