Friday, July 17, 2009

Attitude adjustment....

So being a home owner is way more work than it should be and hopefully all the stupid extra work will slow down a bit since I think I have taken care of almost everything I had planned.

Anyway, today my errand of the day was to go to the post office to get my mailbox re-keyed since I didn't get a copy of it from the bank when I bought the home. Google maps gave me incorrect directions to the post office nearest to my house and after running into a few different dead ends and no outlets and I got out my GPS to search for a post office. My GPS mentioned nothing about there being a post office anywhere near where I was looking. Oh well, I just decided to go to the nearest post office listed on my GPS. Guess what? There was no Post Office at the address it gave me and when my GPS lady said "you have reached your destination" there was no Post Office in site. I ended up finding that one, but it had moved a couple blocks down the road from the address my GPS gave me. Once I got inside and waited in line the lady told me I had to go to the Post Office for my zip code located at "Rainbow and Russell". Oh geez, that was supposed to be the first one I tried to find, but I was looking East of Rainbow on Russell and not exactly at the intersection. Guess what? When I got the the intersection of Rainbow and Russell there was no Post Office in site. Eventually, I found the Post Office I was supposed to be at, but it was about 4 blocks WEST of Rainbow on Russell. Google maps AND my GPS lied to me on different occasions. What should have been a 10 minute trip to the Post Office turned into about an hour and a half and I could feel the steam coming out of my ears.

So on the way home I stopped by Jersey Mikes Sub Shop and the worker was very friendly and asked me what I was up to today. Feeling sorry for myself I said "(sigh)....just out running errands". He said "Ah, you must have the day off today then, huh?" That really made me smile and I told him that I kinda had everyday off. It made me realize how much I would prefer doing an errand for 1:30 than I would to be making subs in a sub shop like this guy was and I immediately was in a much better mood.

1 comment:

nickrainey said...

I have had a fun time finding that post office as well. Russel does not go all the way through from Summerlin to the strip, and I have had aggravating afternoons finding that place. Congrats on the house!