Monday, December 7, 2009

Lasik and poker....

My Lasik surgery went smoothly as expected. I did manage to stay up the entire night before so that once I was done getting my eyes lasered I was able to sleep through most of my recovery. Thanks for the tip Landon! Getting the surgery done wasn't painful at all, but it was a rather uncomfortable experience watching and being totally aware that someone was about to cut my eye and basically make me go blind for a few moments while he shot lasers into my eye. About an hour later the numbing medicine started to wear off and my eyes felt scratchy and really sensitive to light, but like I said I was able to sleep through most of that part. The tough part about sleeping now is that I have to wear some stupid goggles WHILE I SLEEP to make sure that I don't rub my eye throughout the night. I also have to wear those same goggles in the shower, because I am not allowed to get any water in my eyes for two weeks.

The next morning and about 20 hours after my surgery I was able to see 20/25 and they said there was still some swelling so hopefully my vision would still improve over the next week or so. I also see some decent sized halos around lights at night which they said should be gone within 6 weeks. It doesn't seem to me like my vision has gotten any better (maybe even a bit worse, but I am not sure) since I had my checkup the next morning. It is kind of annoying to only be able to see "good" and not great. I was used to not being able to see perfect when I wore contacts all the time, but that was because I wore each pair for so long I usually had an old/dirty pair in. It didn't bother me so much then, because I knew it could be fixed by cleaning them or getting a new pair. I don't think I'll be too happy if my permanent vision is always just ever so slightly out of focus.

Anyway, I'll try not to worry about that too much until it hasn't gotten better after the amount of time they say it should take to improve all the way.

Poker has been ok lately. I am really working hard on trying to figure out the CAP No Limit games. There are tons more fish that play in those games compared to the regular No Limit games and I am trying to take advantage of the current state of the games. Ideally, I will get really good at the CAP games just as Pokerstars adds CAP games to their site and the games are extra juicy! I don't know of them having any plans to do that, but surely they will have them one day.

I think I am gonna go take a quick rest and then maybe put in another session for the day.


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