....of Frisbee Golf. Kevin and I went to play frisbee golf when we woke up this morning around 10:00. Well, the conditions were about like the British Open conditions with winds blowing about 40 MPH. I pulled a Greg Norman and got off to a hot start but couldn't finish down the stretch. In fact the last hole was maybe the worst throw of the day. 18 is along the road and is a dog leg right. The wind was blowing into our face and a little to the right (about the 5 o'clock position if 12 o'clock was straight down the fairway). I tried to throw a low hard shot that banked to the right. Well, it banked to the right alright, but didn't stay low in the least little bit. The wind caught it and blew it super high in the air and about 100 yards right of the fairway and landed 3 lanes over in the street! So there I was performing the shuttle run in the middle of busy traffic. I had to sprint to the frisbee to beat the traffic from the right, pick up the frisbee and sprint back to beat the traffic from the left. Of course I made it safely or you wouldn't be reading about it in my blog. Anyway, Kevin ended up beating me by one hole at $5 per hole. Somehow I got stuck with the entire bill at In-and-out burger to cover my $5 wager...what an angle shooter!
Today was another struggle with poker. I was never winning for one second in my session today. I lost a full buy-in almost immediately when I guy flopped a set of 4's against my AA and I never managed to get back in the positive. At one point I was down almost $1800, but I made a nice steady comeback to end the day at -$856. A couple of days ago I mentioned how few times I had gotten aces and how that was unlucky. Well, equally as unluckily today I had them 5 more times that I should have, but I ended up losing $538 with them. Once again...its gonna be tough to have a good day when it doesn't go your way with Aces. I feel like I played pretty well again today, but I think I have discovered another leak in my game. I really have to stop using instant messenger when I am playing. It definitely takes away some of my focus on poker and that can never be a good thing. What if it results in my running 1BB/100 lower than I should be? That is about $40/hour and over $40,ooo per year! Wow, it won't be very hard for me to quit using IM now that I just thought about that little stat. Bye bye instant messenger :( I'm still playing great poker and I look forward to busting some heads tomorrow.
After my little set back today this is how my week looks after 5 days:
26 hours played
Running at a sad 1.56 BB/100
played 12,889 hands.
Only two more days to get to my goal of 35 hours and $4,000 in profit. The hours will probably happen, but I will have to run pretty well to make it to the $4K...it is certainly possible though.
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