One funny hand today that ended up going my way with KK when the other guy had AA:
This one guy seemed to have my number in every pot we played against each other. He had already stacked me for a full buy-in at $600 NL with his AA vs. my KK once about an hour ago before this hand came up. I raised in the cutoff with KK, he 3 bet me from the button, and I four bet to $160. He thought for a while and eventually went all-in and I was instantly sick to my stomach. I just knew he had Aces again, but I can never really fold here. Anyway, it was $240 more for me to call and I typed in the chat box "Well, Smurf (his name was Smurf fitt) if you are going to have AA everytime I get KK today you are just gonna have to get my money" and I called. He obviously had Aces, but I ended up making quad kings! It was just one of those days where people kept holding overpairs that were bigger than my overpairs. It was a pretty bad beat for him, but it actually seemed really fair to me, haha.
So now my week looks like this:
16.37 hours played
8,236 hands played
Running @ 4.00 BB/100
So even though I ended up losing a little bit today I think it was a productive day of poker considering the cards I was dealt. I'd prefer not to have the big swings that I had today as they can wear on your confidence a lot.
For your viewing is a picture math equation summing up my day of poker, enjoy:

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