Then, Full Tilt was having technical issues again today so I decided I would give the 6 max games on Ultimate Bet a shot. I never have really fooled with too much short handed (6 max) poker, but when messing around in my pokertracker database I noticed I had really high win rates for the very few hands I had played at 6 max. I just don't feel nearly as comfortable playing 6 handed games as I do at full ring tables. Anyway, I played 3 tables of $400 NL on UB today and did pretty well. I won $1,174, but sadly that is really the only stat I know for sure from today. Ultimate Bet's software sucks so badly.....It doesn't save all of the hand histories on my hard drive and for some reason seems to only miss hands that I won! I know for sure how much I won, but when I loaded the hands into pokertracker it had me as winning around $300 less than I actually did. It sucks not knowing how many hands I played, how long I played, what my BB/100 hands was, and what my actual stats were at the 6 max games. Also, you can't use any Heads Up Display on UB, because the hand histories don't go on your hard drive until you close the table you were playing at. It is just not a good site for the stat freak/analytical player like me :( Thats too bad, because the games seem really good on there. I'll keep playing there as long as I am doing so well or until I can't stomach the crappy software anymore.
So far this week I am.....
+$3668 Online
-$1265 Live
Decent week so far, but I feel like it is just the tip of the this....

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