My last blog was about reaching my goal and right after that I went to Louisville to visit with Landon and go to his superbowl party. I played a little bit of poker while I was there and didn't do very well. I think I lost around $1200 while I was there. The party was an awesome time as always. It is funny to watch Landon get things ready for that party...he always puts ALOT of thought and time into it and spares absolutely zero expenses. When buying for stuff for the party if he thinks he'll need 10 2-liters he'll buy 20, if he thinks he needs 8 pizzas he'll buy 15, if one hot female bartender would be cool to hire he'll hire 3 of them! The games are always well thought out and lots of fun. The most popular game every year is "Pass the Football". I'll try to explain it a simply as possible. There about 35 different "Event Cards" that cost anywhere from $4 to $35. Each event card has something specific that can happen at anytime during the second half such as "Randy Moss catches a Touchdown" or "NYG kick a field goal between 30-39 yards". When the event on your card happens you get the football, when someone else's event happens you pass them the football. You win cash if you hold the football at the 10:00, 5:00, or 0:00 minute marks of either the 3rd or 4th quarters. I bought two event cards and they were "Patriot's QB gets sacked" and "NYG's QB gets sacked". Well with about :40 left in the game Tom Brady got sacked and I got the football and I was in line to win $160 if the clock could run out with out anyone else's event happening. Well, with :02 left in the game I lost the football to Landon's buddy Russ....He had the event card that read "Coach gets soaked"! Tom Coughlin got his gatorade bath with two seconds left in the game and it cost me $160. The party went wild when it happened and it was easily the most celebrated gatorade bath in the history of superbowl parties.
Here is Landon handing over the cash to Russ after the much celebrated gatorade bath. Russ deserved to win though...he still came to the party even though he had just gotten out of the hospital earlier that day after having emergency throat surgery...thats how good the party is, haha.

I told ya the party was fun...

I don't have any trips planned anytime in the near future and I really want to get a lot of hours in for the next couple of months. I am thinking about some new goals, but I am not sure how ambitious I want to get with them. I'll sleep on it and get them posted tomorrow.
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