I am going to try and buck my latest trend of every day that I have a good day or stop for just a second to pat myself on the back I follow it up with some ridiculous downswing or horrible day. So I am somewhat reluctant to say.....I had a very good day of poker. I thought it might be my most profitable day of cash game poker ever, but upon referencing an older blog I fell just a tad short. I won $2,444 online yesterday playing about 4-5 hours of PLO and then I was bored and decided I would go play some 5/10 NL at the Bellagio since I was a little short on cash. For the second straight time I couldn't keep myself from playing in the 10/20 game. The game was absolutely FANTASTIC and I ended up winning $9,020 in about 9 hours despite only buying in for $2,000. It didn't really matter how much I bought in for since I was never all-in anyway. I didn't mean to play that long, but I just couldn't let myself leave such a good game. That is 1 day total of $11,464 which is apparently my second best day of cash game poker ever....I set my record in this blog with a 1 day total of $11,578.
There was only one hand that I did anything other than what I consider straight forward ABC poker and it resulted in one of the biggest hands of poker I've ever won. I made a quick note on my phone after it happened so I could re-evaluate my play later. Here is my homemade hand history:
Ad5d in SB w/$4,800 starting stack
Raise to 80 + 2 callers
I Raise to 440 + 1 caller (cutoff)
Flop Ah 9c 3c
I tanked and check called $1k
Turn 5c
Check call $1600
River Js
Check call $1k
Insta muck from C/O
New stack $8800
He just played the hand so strange that I couldn't put him on anything that made any sense so I just kept check/calling like a donkey....oops!
Here are some examples of how good the game was. Some kid was short stacking for $800 and I knew he was just looking to gamble and get it in at some point and I had already made up my mind I was going to try to bust him before someone else did. I ended up getting it in with my 77 vs. his AKs and I won. We then allowed him to rebuy for his last $785 even though the min buy-in is supposed to be $800. Next hand he tripled up with two overs and a flush draw against someone else who had a bigger flush draw and some other random hand when he hit one of his overs. So, he should have been busted for good there, but he continued to run super hot. He played a hand soooo bad where it was obvious he was pretty much drawing dead when he got it all-in 3 ways again for about $3500 on an Ax As 2s board with AK. He was up against a flush draw that was drawing dead and Ax 2x for a full house. Anyway he hit a King on the river for an $11k pot. Finally, Jean Robert Bellande joined our game and he is beyond bad. He was upset that he had somehow just lost $2,000 and his bankcard from his pocket and he suspected that a stripper he had just gotten a lap dance from was the culprit. Anyway, there was about $300 in the pot when the following mind boggling hand went down. The flop was Qd 8d 5h and JRB and short stacking kid (now with about $7500 in front of him) both checked and the button bet $100. JRB called and SS Kid made it $600. Button folded and JRB re-raised to $1600. The SS Kid thought forever and kept asking JRB if he had a set of queens...eventually JRB said "I promise I don't have a set of queens" to which the kid snap declared that he was all-in....for $7,200! JRB obviously insta-called him and then they started talking about making a deal and the kid offered to just chop the pot evenly before either of them knew each other's hand. JRB said there was no way he could give him an even chop, but wouldn't tell the kid what he had. The floor came over and told them they couldn't make deals anyway and JRB got all pissed and to try to get a deal done more quickly he finally showed the kid his hand....he had Kc Qc?!?! The kid then announced that he couldn't chop with him anymore because he was "owning him" and he turned over his hand....AQo and told the dealer to "run em"!!! The turn and river were both bricks and some how this kid just won a $15K+ pot with one pair after rebuying for $785 about 3 hours earlier.
This is way too long. I'm done.
Friday, August 14, 2009
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Jurasic Poker: Part 2!
Whenever you finish a great day of poker there isn't anything much more satisfying that staring at your graph for a bit and patting yourself on the back. Sometimes after you have played too long of a session you can start to see some very strange things if you stare at your graph long enough. I did this once before and the things I saw inspired the wonderful artwork that appeared in this blog: http://thakilla.blogspot.com/2009/05/jurrasic-poker.html
This time while staring at my graph and patting myself on my back a T-rex jumped out at me and I immediately knew that I had to create another masterpiece.
Without further adieu I give you Jurassic Poker:Part 2 (the T-Rex).

It felt very good to go from stuck almost $2200 to up almost $4700 in about 1700 hands.
This time while staring at my graph and patting myself on my back a T-rex jumped out at me and I immediately knew that I had to create another masterpiece.
Without further adieu I give you Jurassic Poker:Part 2 (the T-Rex).

It felt very good to go from stuck almost $2200 to up almost $4700 in about 1700 hands.
Saturday, August 1, 2009
The evolution of a mustache...
So Josh dared me a while ago to grow a mustache. We discussed some type of prop bet, but I wanted to be able to shave it in case some type of situation arose that I really didn't feel like being embarrassed in. Therefore I decided to do it just on a dare. I chose a time when I thought I would just be staying around the house and playing poker without seeing too many new people that I would have to either explain why I had a horrible looking mustache on my face or just swallow my pride and pretend like I really preferred to have a mustache. I planned on shaving it before I went to caddy for Jeff, because I didn't want to run the risk of being on TV with a mustache or even worse having Jeff win and me being forced to keep my mustache forever due to its good luck! Once Jeff decided not to play I decided that I would wait until Matt and Brooklyn came in town and I would show it to them before I finally shaved it off.
Anyway, here is the progression of my Mustache via some crappy quality pictures taken by my webcam. Enjoy!

As you can see by the end of my expiriment I had really turned into a full grown man with a Burt Reynolds quality mustache....actually you can see that I officially grow the worst mustache in the history of mustaches and for some reason I grow ZERO hairs on what my little brother tells me is my philtrum. Believe it or not I could put my index finger on my philtrum and not touch any hair on either side!
I hope all 6 of my readers enjoyed the evolution of my mustache as much as I didn't enjoy letting it evolve on my face!
Another interesting fact about my mustache...I won about $9,000 and ran pretty well above expectation over the course of the 2 weeks or so that I had that hideous thing so maybe there was a little luck oozing out of the stash. If I start running bad again he may have to come back. So if you know what it good for both of us do your little rain dance to the poker Gods or whatever it is you do that you think will help to keep me running well.
Until the next mustache experiment.....this is me saying Adios Senor Mustache!
Anyway, here is the progression of my Mustache via some crappy quality pictures taken by my webcam. Enjoy!

As you can see by the end of my expiriment I had really turned into a full grown man with a Burt Reynolds quality mustache....actually you can see that I officially grow the worst mustache in the history of mustaches and for some reason I grow ZERO hairs on what my little brother tells me is my philtrum. Believe it or not I could put my index finger on my philtrum and not touch any hair on either side!
I hope all 6 of my readers enjoyed the evolution of my mustache as much as I didn't enjoy letting it evolve on my face!
Another interesting fact about my mustache...I won about $9,000 and ran pretty well above expectation over the course of the 2 weeks or so that I had that hideous thing so maybe there was a little luck oozing out of the stash. If I start running bad again he may have to come back. So if you know what it good for both of us do your little rain dance to the poker Gods or whatever it is you do that you think will help to keep me running well.
Until the next mustache experiment.....this is me saying Adios Senor Mustache!
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