So poker has been going less than fantastic lately, but I finally had my first great day in a while yesterday. I played over 5,000 hands and won over $6,600 in about 9 hours worth of playing. When I was finished playing I obviously had to spend sometime admiring my fantastic looking graph. I couldn't help but notice the resemblance to a brontosaurus. In case you aren't as creative as I am I have done you a favor and filled in the rest of him with some of my amazing MSPaint skills. It was nice to run so well for such a long session and it was really awesome to top it off with such a crazy heater at the end of my day. Enjoy.

Here is a more realistic picture of a brontosaurus in case you didn't pay attention in 2nd grade.
I was always worried I would go through life not knowing how to spell that sound dinosaurs make. Raawr!! Thank you
that is a mix between a stegasaurus and brontosaurus...ill call it a stegontosaurus.
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