During my break I played some golf, had some friends come in town, and I even went skydiving...yes skydiving :) I always knew that at some point I was going to go skydiving I had just never gotten around to it up until now. I went with my friend Anne who was in from out of town and it was a pretty cool experience overall. I think poker has made me into sort of an emotional robot. I never get very excited, sad, or even nervous about anything anymore. It seems like something must be wrong with me, because I didn't get nervous for even one second throughout the whole skydiving trip.
We jumped from 15,000 feet and that means we got to free fall for about 2 miles (about 60 seconds) before he pulled the parachute about a mile from the ground. The free fall portion of the jump was pretty awesome, but the parachuting part was pretty uncomfortable on by inner thighs where all of my weight was supported on the harness for the 3 or 4 minutes it took us to get down...yowsers!
For your viewing pleasure:
Sorry for posting so many pictures, but I paid $70 for them and I'll probably never look at them again so I gotta do something with them.
Anne and I also went to the David Copperfield show and she got randomly chosen to be a participant. He made tissue paper float in the air above her hand, but I could see the string for a brief second from where I was sitting. Then he folded the tissue paper into a paper rose and lit it on fire and it "magically" turned into a real rose. However, the crowd camera only showed Anne's torso and Anne was the only person that saw the girl laying on the steps hand David the real rose while everyone else was distracted from the flash of fire from the burning tissue paper. He also did some pretty amazing tricks that I have absolutely no explanation for...like making a some old school car appear suspended on top of two support beams that wasn't there only a few seconds earlier.
So, since my break I have played 3 days and things are going much better. I lost about $500 online the first day after starting off pretty rusty and being down $2500 about half way through the session. Then, I won about $2,000 that night playing live. The second day I won $1600 online and then won $600 more goofing off with friends while playing .5/$1 PLO digital poker at the Excaliber. Today I ran really well and never really lost a pot, but I didn't feel like I was giving it my best effort and was lacking focus and motivation. I quit after only an hour and a half or so, but I ended up winning about $2500. So a little over $6,000 in my first 3 days back is a very nice boost to my confidence level and I look forward to making lots more money before I head home for the Kentucky Derby and Derek's graduation from Med School at the beginning of May.
I need to keep making lots of money, because I finally got approved for a home loan! Eric is co-signing for me and we are going to split a house. The banks weren't to excited about the whole poker/self employment thingy and my credit wasn't very good due to some stuff from when I was in college that had nothing to do with anything other than me being a lazy bum and not taking care of silly bills that I had plenty of money to pay. Let that be a lesson to you kids out there....just be a go-getter and pay that kind of stuff off and you'll be in much better shape later. Oh well, we still got approved and we are going house shopping this weekend. I am pretty excited about being a first time homeowner and apparently the government is too because we qualified for an FHA loan which means I get an $8,000 tax credit :)
Sorry for this being so long, but I had lots of stuff happen since my last blog post.
1 comment:
Thx for nice information
now i search for more informatiion of Skydiving
and you'r welcome to meet blog and you
i have blog of Skydiving to : Skydiving
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