Sunday, June 29, 2008

Still running pretty hot.....

Last night after I wrote my blog I played for an hour or so and won another $712 so I actually did win enough to "keep the doctor away" by winning $1602 yesterday.

Today I was all prepared to play the $1500 NL event in the WSOP, but I goofed up pretty badly. I didn't even think about registering the night before, and when I showed up today there was about 100 people in line waiting to sign up as alternates. I certainly wasn't waiting in that line so that I could start an hour later than the rest of the field. So, I headed back home to grind online. I even got up extra early so I could get my swim in for the day before I played the tourney so I wouldn't miss a day of swimming if I made it deep.

It turned out to be another successful day of online poker for me. I continued to crush the PLO and capped PLO games. I won about $1600 today. At one point I was up about $2600 and then got all the way back to only being up about $400, but ended up winning around $1600 total.

A funny thing happened tonight while I was playing online. I was only playing one table and was pretty much just killing time. The railbirds are always asking to borrow $5 and stuff, but one guy was offering to draw a picture of you using mspaint for $6. So I told him I would take him up on his offer and another railbird noticed and offered to paint a picture of me too. I told them that if they were at least quality work I would send them each $6 and I would send the best one $8. I knew the would both be crushed if they didn't win so I just sent them both $8.

Here is my picture I sent them...
Here is what they painted....

I think the first one is much better, because the second one has nothing to do with the picture I sent. Also, the shirt he has me wearing is a lie!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

who are the railbirds? derek