Saturday, May 3, 2008

Ok Ok, I am sick of this stuff....

I have had enough of running below expectation and I am ready for it to change anytime. I am putting in lots of hours and playing lots of hands, but my results just aren't there lately. I honestly don't think it is my play that is making my results sub par. I am having a winning week, but nowhere near what I expect to be doing considering how much I have played.

I am up $969 on Cake and $1230 on Full Tilt this week and I have played 19 hours on Full Tilt and probably 4 or so on Cake. PokerTracker doesn't work for Cake so I don't have any fun stats to report from there, but my stats for full tilt are disgusting looking. I am running at 1.44 BB/100 this week and making about $64/hour....GROSS! What is even more miserable than that is the fact that I am running at an astoundingly low 1.41 BB/100 since I have started my 7 week challenge. Luckily, I ran well at 5/10 while I played it and am still averaging $109/hour for the entirety of my challenge. Seriously though, this is starting to get ridiculous.... I have played 67,756 hands since April 8th and I am running at 1.41 BB/100! That is a LOT of hands to run below expectation at. Even worse than that...if I take 5/10 NL out of the picture I am running at .87 BB/100 and I would be making $50/hour! That makes me want to throw up and I have had enough of it.

If you don't understand what all of these confusing stats mean I'll put it another way for you. I am up a little over $11K since starting my challenge. If I would have run at what I expect to run at and what I believe to be a normal rate of 3.5 BB/100 hands I would have won about $25K in that same time span!

So there you have it poker gods....I see what you are doing and I realize there is nothing keeping you from doing it to me for the next 4 weeks as well, but I have had enough of it. Also, What is keeping you from letting me run as hot as I have cold for the last 4 weeks? One time, can I go on a 3 or 4 week heater? Is that so much to ask? It only seems fair to me....thats all the whining I am going to do for now.

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