I played about 3 hours today of some decent poker and had a really solid day going as I was up around $1500, but just didn't really feel like putting anymore time in. I told myself I should at least play one more hour and I am glad I did....I ended up playing about 4.3 hours today and won $3,529 while running at 14.34 BB/100 for the day as a whole.
Josh and I decided randomly to go play the Venetian Deep Stack Extravaganza that both of us have had good success in in the past. It started at 6:00 pm, but they have late registration and we didn't leave the house until about 6:30. I flopped a set of 2's on my first hand and got some action and picked up AA on the very next hand and got more action! Don't worry though...I busted out about 40 minutes later, but I did manage to outlast Josh by about 5 minutes.
I got in a calcutta format golf contest for the Masters today and I went kind of crazy....maybe. If you don't know how a calcutta works it is where all the players in the field are auctioned off and all the money goes in the total prize pool. In this pool, whoever bought the player that ends up winning the Masters gets 40% of the prize pool, 2nd place gets 30%, 3rd gets 20%, and 4th gets 10%. I ended up paying an absurd price of $1150 to buy Tiger Woods!
If he gets:
1st I get back $2,080
2nd I get back $1,560
3rd I get back $1,040
4th I get back $520
5th or worse I get back $0
I applied some poker/equity math to my purchase and going by his stats for all of his tourneys for the last 3 years my purchase is worth about $9 in profit (it ends up being very similar if you use his stats for just the majors). I feel like he is playing better now than he ever has so it should be worth a little more than that. Either way....any gambling with a positive expectation makes for good times and extra money in the long run. I ended up splitting half of my action with my buddy Andy Swan so we'll have something to root for together.
Tomorrow = Masters + Poker = Fun
Lets hope to see lots of this....

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