I had probably the best start to an online session I have ever had today and I felt invincible and on top of the world....I was on my way to a +$10k week....sweet! Then, just as it seems EVERY day online has been going for me I went in the extreme opposite direction that I had been going. My last two buy-ins lost could have been avoided or at least minimized if I had I been playing my best, but after I lost my last one I seriously grabbed a hand full of hair in each fist and pulled about as hard as I could. I wish I could have somehow recorded it on a webcam so that you could all watch me do it. I am sure it would have been really hilarious for anyone but me to watch. Then as if I wasn't tilted enough......as I was trying to pull my hair out I realized how long my hair was and that I needed to get it cut. Fyi, the process of getting my haircut is near the top of my list of "most hated chores"....I'll let you read it sometime.
I hope you all enjoyed picturing me tilting and the next time you hear someone say that such and such makes you "want to pull your hair out" you can think back about how retarded I am and that poker makes me "TRY to pull my hair our"
Enjoy...this one is a doozy!

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