I didn't keep the best records since I haven't been blogging, but I know about how much I won or lost so I will do my best to update my progress.
Weeks 5, 6, and 7:
Online: +$9,884 (71 hours)
Live: -$$6,891 (20 hours) (both of these are very approximated)
Total: +$2993
Total: (3.75 BB/100 hands)
Online: +$25,271 (191 hours and about 83,000 hands)
Live: +$1101 (77 hours)
Total: +$26,372 (About 268 hours total)
Those are pretty average numbers for me which is pretty disappointing. Tomorrow is supposed to be the last day of my challenge, but I am certainly going to fall short of my hours played goal. I should have been at 210 hours played online and I am only at 191 right now. I admittedly got burnt out and a little jaded towards the end of my 7 weeks. I had two rough days toward the end that left a pretty bitter taste in my mouth, but I have made a pretty nice comeback online since then.
My live results were pretty terrible, but 77 hours of live play can't even come close to evening out variance. After playing 77 hours of live poker I ended up making a whopping $14.30/hour. Whereas online I made $132/hour in 191 hours of play. Between both of them I made $98.40/hour and I averaged playing 38 hours per week.
Don't get me wrong $26K in 7 weeks time is not at all bad, but my expectations were set a little higher. I was hoping I would finish in the 35-45K range, but it didn't work out this time. I would have actually finished where I wanted to had I not played any tournaments and reached my goal of 210 hours.
Ahh...I just remembered. I also got a decent amount of rakeback during this time as well. I will probably end up having gotten about $3,300 in rakeback by the end of my challenge. That will actually put me pretty close to around $30,000 for the seven weeks (depending how tomorrow goes) which makes me feel a little better.
Enough about poker for now....Josh and I went shopping at the outlet malls today. Basically, I didn't want to have to do any laundry before I went on my cruise so I bought enough new clothes so I would be able to pack without doing any laundry! Now that is laziness at its highest level, but I don't really care....because thats just how I roll.
I am really starting to look forward to my cruise and my much needed break from poker.
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
I couldn't help myself....
Monday, March 24, 2008
So I haven't blogged in a long time.....
Poker has been pretty sucky since my last blog and it is certainly not much fun to blog about losing poker. I haven't totaled up what the damage is for a while and I still really don't feel like doing it....so I'm not gonna (its not that bad compared to the success I had recently had). A few of my regular blog readers have been giving me crap about not keeping up with it so I figured I should post about something.
Onto the good news.....I was at a new low weight today...221! I only have one more pound to lose to get to my goal of 220 and I have until April 1st to do it. It is cool, because I can actually notice a difference when I look at myself in the mirror. Seeing my stomach be a little smaller doesn't even come close to the reward I got for my weight loss at the gym the other night....I dunked a basketball again! It has probably been 3-4 years since I last dunked a basketball. Yes, it was on a regulation 10 foot goal and yes it was with a regulation mens sized basketball. I admit....I did start at the 3 point, didn't take any dribbles, it was not in a game, it was a one handed dunk, I didn't hang on the rim, but I DUNKED and that is a fact! In fact, I did it 3 times, just to prove to myself it wasn't a fluke.
This is the last I am going to talk about losing weight in my blog though, because I still have 15-20 pounds to lose and I kind of want it to be a surprise to people at home when I come home for my high school reunion sometime this summer.
In other exciting news in my life....as a reward for working hard for the 7 weeks that I will have worked on April 1st I decided I was going to go on vacation somewhere. I very randomly invited an old friend from high school, Heather Holland, to go with me and of course she agreed :) We are going on a cruise and leaving from San Diego and stopping in Ensenada and Cabo San Lucas, Mexico....it will certainly be a good time and I am really looking forward to it!
There...I did it...I blogged.....time to hit the sack.
Onto the good news.....I was at a new low weight today...221! I only have one more pound to lose to get to my goal of 220 and I have until April 1st to do it. It is cool, because I can actually notice a difference when I look at myself in the mirror. Seeing my stomach be a little smaller doesn't even come close to the reward I got for my weight loss at the gym the other night....I dunked a basketball again! It has probably been 3-4 years since I last dunked a basketball. Yes, it was on a regulation 10 foot goal and yes it was with a regulation mens sized basketball. I admit....I did start at the 3 point, didn't take any dribbles, it was not in a game, it was a one handed dunk, I didn't hang on the rim, but I DUNKED and that is a fact! In fact, I did it 3 times, just to prove to myself it wasn't a fluke.
This is the last I am going to talk about losing weight in my blog though, because I still have 15-20 pounds to lose and I kind of want it to be a surprise to people at home when I come home for my high school reunion sometime this summer.
In other exciting news in my life....as a reward for working hard for the 7 weeks that I will have worked on April 1st I decided I was going to go on vacation somewhere. I very randomly invited an old friend from high school, Heather Holland, to go with me and of course she agreed :) We are going on a cruise and leaving from San Diego and stopping in Ensenada and Cabo San Lucas, Mexico....it will certainly be a good time and I am really looking forward to it!
There...I did it...I blogged.....time to hit the sack.
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Now THAT is a downswing!
I started off my bowling league with a real BANG and it has been all downhill since then...
I bowled a 246 in my first game and then a smooth 146 in my second game and an amazing 123 in my 3rd game. Honestly, I don't even know how it is possible to bowl a 123, but I certainly did it. Oh yeah, I also got a totally RANDOM nosebleed during bowling! I was just sitting there talking to Aaron and I felt my nose start to run so I sniffed a bit and reached for a napkin on the table. When I looked back at Aaron I noticed he was staring at my chair so I looked down and there was a drop of blood right between my legs! Anyway, it took me about 5 minutes to get in under control, but I ended up having to bowl one of my frames with a napkin jammed up my nostril. So after I got home from bowling I shaved and as I was washing my face my OTHER nostril started bleeding and it takes me another 5 minutes to get that one stopped. I have always gotten lots of nosebleeds, but Las Vegas makes it even worse with the dry air.
So I went to the Wynn to see Matt, Lynn, and Richard and play little bit myself. O'neal Longston is some geezer grinder that is always playing 10/20 NL and higher at the Bellagio and is WAY too aggressive. He was playing in our PLO game and to make a long story short we got it all in on the turn for about $1,500 a piece and he obviously hit one of his two possible outs on the river to win the pot. I lost another $1400 after that hand and didn't play very well in doing so.
Then, today i was playing online and everything was going just fine. I was playing 3 $600 NL games and 2 $1000 NL games. I was up around $1200 or so when everything that could possibly go wrong did. I lost FOUR buy-ins in about 60 hands time which is about 5 minutes time and of course every one of those buy-ins had to be at my $1000 NL tables just to make it even more painful.
The first hand was possibly avoidable. I re-raised I guy out of the blinds with AJ, continuation bet the flop of all small cards (with two spades), the turn was a King which I thought was a good bluffing chance, I bet the pot which put me all-in and of course he was slow playing AA. Oh well, it happens once in a while.
The second hand I re-raised the same guy with AJs (hearts), the flop was Qh 7h 4x. I am never folding in the spot with so much money already in the pot. Of course he had QQ for top set and we got in all in on the flop. The turn card of 6h made me the nut flush and the river card of 6c makes him a full house.
The 3rd hand was against a player that I had some history with. We had both been playing pretty fast vs. each other and re-raising each other a lot preflop. We ended up getting in all-in preflop with my AK vs. his JJ. I bricked out and lost another buy-in.
The 4th hand was another standard situation where one player is going to lose all of his money every time. I flopped a set of 3's and he flopped a set of 9's on a very dry board.
So I suppose my 246 in bowling was the end of my extended heater. It has been a pretty brutal ride since then. Oh well, I am still playing great and I am sure I will turn it around tomorrow.
Here is my graph from my epic downswing online:
So this is how my week 5 looks now (so sad):
Online: +$319 (10.5 hours)
Live: -$-$2,891 (2 hours)
I haven't really felt like playing too much lately, but having such a bad last 24 hours will probably snap me back into some motivation to get on the grind.....tomorrow.
I bowled a 246 in my first game and then a smooth 146 in my second game and an amazing 123 in my 3rd game. Honestly, I don't even know how it is possible to bowl a 123, but I certainly did it. Oh yeah, I also got a totally RANDOM nosebleed during bowling! I was just sitting there talking to Aaron and I felt my nose start to run so I sniffed a bit and reached for a napkin on the table. When I looked back at Aaron I noticed he was staring at my chair so I looked down and there was a drop of blood right between my legs! Anyway, it took me about 5 minutes to get in under control, but I ended up having to bowl one of my frames with a napkin jammed up my nostril. So after I got home from bowling I shaved and as I was washing my face my OTHER nostril started bleeding and it takes me another 5 minutes to get that one stopped. I have always gotten lots of nosebleeds, but Las Vegas makes it even worse with the dry air.
So I went to the Wynn to see Matt, Lynn, and Richard and play little bit myself. O'neal Longston is some geezer grinder that is always playing 10/20 NL and higher at the Bellagio and is WAY too aggressive. He was playing in our PLO game and to make a long story short we got it all in on the turn for about $1,500 a piece and he obviously hit one of his two possible outs on the river to win the pot. I lost another $1400 after that hand and didn't play very well in doing so.
Then, today i was playing online and everything was going just fine. I was playing 3 $600 NL games and 2 $1000 NL games. I was up around $1200 or so when everything that could possibly go wrong did. I lost FOUR buy-ins in about 60 hands time which is about 5 minutes time and of course every one of those buy-ins had to be at my $1000 NL tables just to make it even more painful.
The first hand was possibly avoidable. I re-raised I guy out of the blinds with AJ, continuation bet the flop of all small cards (with two spades), the turn was a King which I thought was a good bluffing chance, I bet the pot which put me all-in and of course he was slow playing AA. Oh well, it happens once in a while.
The second hand I re-raised the same guy with AJs (hearts), the flop was Qh 7h 4x. I am never folding in the spot with so much money already in the pot. Of course he had QQ for top set and we got in all in on the flop. The turn card of 6h made me the nut flush and the river card of 6c makes him a full house.
The 3rd hand was against a player that I had some history with. We had both been playing pretty fast vs. each other and re-raising each other a lot preflop. We ended up getting in all-in preflop with my AK vs. his JJ. I bricked out and lost another buy-in.
The 4th hand was another standard situation where one player is going to lose all of his money every time. I flopped a set of 3's and he flopped a set of 9's on a very dry board.
So I suppose my 246 in bowling was the end of my extended heater. It has been a pretty brutal ride since then. Oh well, I am still playing great and I am sure I will turn it around tomorrow.
Here is my graph from my epic downswing online:

Online: +$319 (10.5 hours)
Live: -$-$2,891 (2 hours)
I haven't really felt like playing too much lately, but having such a bad last 24 hours will probably snap me back into some motivation to get on the grind.....tomorrow.
Monday, March 10, 2008
Ok, so maybe I wasn't running good afterall.....
...maybe I just SUPPOSED to win this much! Actually, I know I have been running above expectation for pretty much the whole month of March, but it doesn't seem like anything too out of the ordinary is happening. I am still having my fair share of bad beats and cold decks...ok, maybe not my fair share, but its not like they haven't happened at all lately.
After having my best week so far I am off to another great start of my week 5. I have played two sessions online and they both were just over 4 hours long for about 3700 hands total. The first day I was playing 5 tables of $600 (6 max) and there was one player that was very clearly an awful player who would most certainly be losing all of his money if he played long enough. Sadly, he left my table shortly after I had really started focusing on exploiting him. I decided I would take a flier and do a search for him to see if he was playing at any other tables. To my delight, I found him playing at another table, but this table was 5/10 NL! I immediately put my name on the waiting list and a seat opened pretty quickly. I eventually busted him, but not how I expected too....I got my money in as an 3:1 underdog with only one card to come and I got there....just like I planned it!
So after my first two days of week 5 my results look like this:
Online: +$3,279 (8.5 hours)
Live: Haven't played any yet, but I probably will tonight after bowling.
I am really starting to get comfortable playing 6 max poker and feel like I am a big favorite in the games. Another great thing about 6 max poker is I think it will be much easier to move up in limits because there are so many more 6 max games running. Also, Since multi-tablers can play fewer games of 6 max and there are more 6 max games running the good regulars get spread thin and don't saturate every table like they do in the full ring games. There are several reasons why 6 max poker is more profitable, but I think this is one that gets overlooked.
I am running behind and if I don't cut this blog short I am going to be late for bowling.
Wish me luck on my first ever back to back weeks of bowling a 600 series.
After having my best week so far I am off to another great start of my week 5. I have played two sessions online and they both were just over 4 hours long for about 3700 hands total. The first day I was playing 5 tables of $600 (6 max) and there was one player that was very clearly an awful player who would most certainly be losing all of his money if he played long enough. Sadly, he left my table shortly after I had really started focusing on exploiting him. I decided I would take a flier and do a search for him to see if he was playing at any other tables. To my delight, I found him playing at another table, but this table was 5/10 NL! I immediately put my name on the waiting list and a seat opened pretty quickly. I eventually busted him, but not how I expected too....I got my money in as an 3:1 underdog with only one card to come and I got there....just like I planned it!
So after my first two days of week 5 my results look like this:
Online: +$3,279 (8.5 hours)
Live: Haven't played any yet, but I probably will tonight after bowling.
I am really starting to get comfortable playing 6 max poker and feel like I am a big favorite in the games. Another great thing about 6 max poker is I think it will be much easier to move up in limits because there are so many more 6 max games running. Also, Since multi-tablers can play fewer games of 6 max and there are more 6 max games running the good regulars get spread thin and don't saturate every table like they do in the full ring games. There are several reasons why 6 max poker is more profitable, but I think this is one that gets overlooked.
I am running behind and if I don't cut this blog short I am going to be late for bowling.
Wish me luck on my first ever back to back weeks of bowling a 600 series.
Saturday, March 8, 2008
Week 4 report (I am running good in life in general at the moment):
Except for me failing the DMV written test I basically ran way ahead of expectation at everything else this week.
For Example:
1. I bowled my second highest series ever this week (649)
2. I played golf for the first time in probably 4 months yesterday and shot 76 and hit the ball great for most of the day.
3. I crushed both online and live poker this week.
4. I reached a new low weight of 227.4 lbs. this week (this is really going to start getting tougher to stay ahead of pace if I don't start going to the gym regularly).
Since I last blogged I have played two live sessions of PLO. One time the game was great and I played average and won $1,335. Then other time the game was good for a while and then pretty bad towards then end of the night. I didn't play very well and lost $1,683. I also played one session online and did really well. I played 5 tables of all $600 NL and won a healthy $2813.
This is how my week 4 ended up:
Live: +$4,287
Online: +$8,541
Total: $12,828
Those numbers are pretty mind boggling to when I stop and think about how much money that really is. Being a poker player sometimes you lose touch with the value of a dollar. That is so cliche to say, but it really is true. My checks when I use to work at the Courier would sometimes be just over $1,200 and that was a rather significant amount of money to me....oh ya....those were bi-weekly checks! So, basically, this week I made 20x what I used to make in a week working a "real job". I can't even imagine how much money I would have to be offered to stop playing poker for 20 weeks and work the same schedule that I used to work (including doing the unfilled paper routes and delivering complaint papers)....all I know is it would be A LOT more than $12,828!
I had my best week online this week since I started my 7 week challenge, but I am still a little disappointed with myself for not getting to my goal of playing 30 hours online. I only played 21 hours online this week, but that isn't as bad as it sounds because I played a lot more hours live this week than I had been in the previous 3 weeks. In theory, I should be playing the most hours when I am having the most success with poker. I certainly made way more per hour this week than I had in past weeks so I should have parlayed that by playing more hours. Oh well, I took a day off this week which I feel like helped me to stay fresh and I also played golf one day instead of playing online so i can excuse the lack of hours....I guess.
This is how my challenge is going so far:
Week 1: (-1.76 BB/100 hands)
Online: -$2,712 (28 hours)
Live: +$1,297 (8 hours)
Total: -$1,415
Week 2: (4.86 BB/100 hands)
Online: +$6,328 (36.5 hours!!)
Live: -$1,265 (8 hours)
Total: +$5,063
Week 3: (4.48 BB/100 hands)
Online: +$3,680 (32.5 hours)
Live: +$3,673 (16 hours)
Total: $7,353
Week 4: (9.87 BB/100 hands)
Online: +$8,541 (21 hours)
Live: +$4,287 (25 hours)
Total: +$12,828 (46 hours)
Total: (3.79 BB/100 hands)
Online: +$15,837 (120 hours and about 51,200 hands)
Live: +$7,992 (57 hours)
Total: +$23,829 (About 177 hours total)
Pretty sweet, I must say! Honestly though....this is what SHOULD be happening all the time and just proof that if I put in the work I will make the money.
Len, Richard, and Matt are going to be in town this week so it will make it a little bit harder to get in the hours, but I'll give it my best effort.
For Example:
1. I bowled my second highest series ever this week (649)
2. I played golf for the first time in probably 4 months yesterday and shot 76 and hit the ball great for most of the day.
3. I crushed both online and live poker this week.
4. I reached a new low weight of 227.4 lbs. this week (this is really going to start getting tougher to stay ahead of pace if I don't start going to the gym regularly).
Since I last blogged I have played two live sessions of PLO. One time the game was great and I played average and won $1,335. Then other time the game was good for a while and then pretty bad towards then end of the night. I didn't play very well and lost $1,683. I also played one session online and did really well. I played 5 tables of all $600 NL and won a healthy $2813.
This is how my week 4 ended up:
Live: +$4,287
Online: +$8,541
Total: $12,828
Those numbers are pretty mind boggling to when I stop and think about how much money that really is. Being a poker player sometimes you lose touch with the value of a dollar. That is so cliche to say, but it really is true. My checks when I use to work at the Courier would sometimes be just over $1,200 and that was a rather significant amount of money to me....oh ya....those were bi-weekly checks! So, basically, this week I made 20x what I used to make in a week working a "real job". I can't even imagine how much money I would have to be offered to stop playing poker for 20 weeks and work the same schedule that I used to work (including doing the unfilled paper routes and delivering complaint papers)....all I know is it would be A LOT more than $12,828!
I had my best week online this week since I started my 7 week challenge, but I am still a little disappointed with myself for not getting to my goal of playing 30 hours online. I only played 21 hours online this week, but that isn't as bad as it sounds because I played a lot more hours live this week than I had been in the previous 3 weeks. In theory, I should be playing the most hours when I am having the most success with poker. I certainly made way more per hour this week than I had in past weeks so I should have parlayed that by playing more hours. Oh well, I took a day off this week which I feel like helped me to stay fresh and I also played golf one day instead of playing online so i can excuse the lack of hours....I guess.
This is how my challenge is going so far:
Week 1: (-1.76 BB/100 hands)
Online: -$2,712 (28 hours)
Live: +$1,297 (8 hours)
Total: -$1,415
Week 2: (4.86 BB/100 hands)
Online: +$6,328 (36.5 hours!!)
Live: -$1,265 (8 hours)
Total: +$5,063
Week 3: (4.48 BB/100 hands)
Online: +$3,680 (32.5 hours)
Live: +$3,673 (16 hours)
Total: $7,353
Week 4: (9.87 BB/100 hands)
Online: +$8,541 (21 hours)
Live: +$4,287 (25 hours)
Total: +$12,828 (46 hours)
Total: (3.79 BB/100 hands)
Online: +$15,837 (120 hours and about 51,200 hands)
Live: +$7,992 (57 hours)
Total: +$23,829 (About 177 hours total)
Pretty sweet, I must say! Honestly though....this is what SHOULD be happening all the time and just proof that if I put in the work I will make the money.
Len, Richard, and Matt are going to be in town this week so it will make it a little bit harder to get in the hours, but I'll give it my best effort.
Thursday, March 6, 2008
I failed at life yesterday....
Josh and I went to the license branch yesterday and it turned out to be one of the lowest moments of my life. I still have an Indiana Drivers License even though I have lived in Nevada for a little over a year and a half. Since I had so many speeding tickets in Indiana they told me that I have to not only take the written test, but also take the skills driving test before they will grant me a license. Josh and I went to the DMV sometime last year they told me the same thing then....that time I took the written test, but never got around to scheduling an appointment to take the driving portion of the test. Well, this time when we went of course they told me the same thing...written test (again) and driving test before I could get a Nevada license. Whatever, this time I was going to force myself to wait in the line no matter how long it was for the walk-in driving test. Before I could get a number to wait in line for the driving test I had to finish the written test. So I went to get the written test out of the way so I could go wait in line. The written test is 50 questions and you have to get 40 of the 50 questions correct to pass. I chose not to use the study manual before I started the exam. I tried to hurry through the test, because the more time I spent taking the test the more people I would be behind in line for the driving test. About half way through the test I had already missed 5 of the 10 questions I was allowed to miss. I decided I should start reading the questions a little more carefully or else I was gonna fool around and fail this stupid test. Then I missed 4 out of the next 15 questions! Now I was really in a bind....I could only miss one more question and I still had 10 questions to answer. I told myself "Ok, stop goofing off and read these last 10 questions carefully!" Well, I missed the 3rd question of the 10 I had left. Now I couldn't miss ANY more and still had 7 left to answer. I got the next 5 in a row correct. You obviously know the rest of the story or I wouldn't be mentioning it....I MISSED ANOTHER QUESTION. I had failed the written portion of the standardized test that some of the world's biggest idiots pass everyday! It was one of the most embarrassing things in the world for me to have to go back up to the lady administering the tests to tell her that I had failed the test and ask to have my Indiana License back. She smiled as she looked up at me expecting to see me joking about failing and once she realized I was serious she just lowered her head as she shook it in shame. She handed me my Indiana License back and told me I could come try again tomorrow.
It was nobody's fault but my own that I failed the test, but they ask some of the most ridiculous questions that you would never need to know!
For Example:
1. How many demerit points points can you get on your license before it gets suspended?
A. 8
B. 10
C. 12
(Don't bother trying to guess the answer, because I can't remember what the correct choice is!)
2. How do you determine when a child doesn't need a car seat anymore?
A. (I can't remember what choice A was)
B. Age and weight
C. Height
(Correct answer...B! All, I could think about was the signs at amusement parks that have a line drawn on them and say "You must me this tall to ride". It seems logical to me that the same thing should apply to car seats...I was wrong, but WHO CARES...I don't have kids anyway!)
3. When should you turn off your bright lights?
A. 100 ft from traffic in front of you and 300 feet from oncoming traffic.
B. 200 ft from traffic in front of you and 400 feet from oncoming traffic.
C. 300 ft from traffic in front of you and 500 feet from oncoming traffic.
(Correct answer....when you think your lights might be uncomfortably bright for the other person!)
Anyway, who knows when I will ever get around to go back to the license branch, but I figured you all would be amused by my epic failure. Any of the following pictures are appropriate when discussing my attempt to obtain my Nevada Driver's License...

On a more successful note...My heater is still in full force and I'm having my best week by far!
In the last two days online I have won $3,992. I added one more table so I am playing 5 instead of 4, but I also started to mix in some $600 NL instead of just all $400 NL. Thankfully, I have been running super hot in the $600 NL.
So far this is what my week looks like.
Online: +$5,728
Live: +$4,639
My first $10K+ week maybe ever and if I have done it before it hasn't been for a long time. I know the week isn't over yet, but as far as I'm concerned...its only gonna get better during my last two days (At least I hope so).
It was nobody's fault but my own that I failed the test, but they ask some of the most ridiculous questions that you would never need to know!
For Example:
1. How many demerit points points can you get on your license before it gets suspended?
A. 8
B. 10
C. 12
(Don't bother trying to guess the answer, because I can't remember what the correct choice is!)
2. How do you determine when a child doesn't need a car seat anymore?
A. (I can't remember what choice A was)
B. Age and weight
C. Height
(Correct answer...B! All, I could think about was the signs at amusement parks that have a line drawn on them and say "You must me this tall to ride". It seems logical to me that the same thing should apply to car seats...I was wrong, but WHO CARES...I don't have kids anyway!)
3. When should you turn off your bright lights?
A. 100 ft from traffic in front of you and 300 feet from oncoming traffic.
B. 200 ft from traffic in front of you and 400 feet from oncoming traffic.
C. 300 ft from traffic in front of you and 500 feet from oncoming traffic.
(Correct answer....when you think your lights might be uncomfortably bright for the other person!)
Anyway, who knows when I will ever get around to go back to the license branch, but I figured you all would be amused by my epic failure. Any of the following pictures are appropriate when discussing my attempt to obtain my Nevada Driver's License...

In the last two days online I have won $3,992. I added one more table so I am playing 5 instead of 4, but I also started to mix in some $600 NL instead of just all $400 NL. Thankfully, I have been running super hot in the $600 NL.
So far this is what my week looks like.
Online: +$5,728
Live: +$4,639
My first $10K+ week maybe ever and if I have done it before it hasn't been for a long time. I know the week isn't over yet, but as far as I'm concerned...its only gonna get better during my last two days (At least I hope so).
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Blogging to pass some time....
Josh and I went to the Wynn on Tuesday night and started out playing 5/10 NL and I tried to run one big bluff that just so happened to be against top full house. I was down about $600 when they finally started a 5/10 PLO game. Once again, the PLO game was really good and I ran pretty well too. I ended up winning $1450 for the session of live play and my heater continues :)
When I got home around 3am Kevin wanted to go to the gym to get in the hot tub, steam room, and pool. Just recently I caught a good break and found out that the 24 fitness that is located about 3 blocks from my house has a pool, hot tub, and steam room. I had been driving all the way to the branch that is in Summerlin (about a 20 minute drive) any time I wanted to use this stuff. I was in the branch close to my house on Monday and there was a sign saying the pool would be closed until Tuesday. Well, of course when we got there at 3 am on Wednesday there was a sign up that said the pool, hot tub, and steam room were ALL closed for maintenance. So obviously, we had to drive to the branch in Summerlin anyway. While I am on the subject of how much I hate my gym....about a week ago Matt, Richie, and I went to the branch in Summerlin in the middle of the night to go play basketball. When we get there they obviously have a new rule that the basketball and racquetball courts are to be closed every day from 10pm until 6am until they can get a new security camera system installed in there. I was already mad about how much money I pay for never using the gym and decided this was my last straw. I marched to the counter and told them that "I come to the gym about once a month and every time it is to play basketball in the middle of the night. Since I can't even play basketball tonight I want to cancel my membership immediately." Well guess what? They got me good again! His reply was simply...."Oh, well you can't cancel your membership at night, you'll have to come in during the day time if you want to do that." Like I am ever going to do that!
Josh and I both have stuff we need to take care of at the License Branch and we decided to go the first thing in the morning so that we can hopefully avoid waiting in too many long lines. Therefore, I am writing this blog to try to pass some time before we leave....of course I had to stay up all night if I am ever going to make it there when they open the doors. I am sure I will have plenty more stories to blog about after my inevitably awful trip to the License branch.
Week 4:
Online: +$1,736
Live: +$4,639
A really good week so far considering I already took a day off and still have 4 days left to play.
When I got home around 3am Kevin wanted to go to the gym to get in the hot tub, steam room, and pool. Just recently I caught a good break and found out that the 24 fitness that is located about 3 blocks from my house has a pool, hot tub, and steam room. I had been driving all the way to the branch that is in Summerlin (about a 20 minute drive) any time I wanted to use this stuff. I was in the branch close to my house on Monday and there was a sign saying the pool would be closed until Tuesday. Well, of course when we got there at 3 am on Wednesday there was a sign up that said the pool, hot tub, and steam room were ALL closed for maintenance. So obviously, we had to drive to the branch in Summerlin anyway. While I am on the subject of how much I hate my gym....about a week ago Matt, Richie, and I went to the branch in Summerlin in the middle of the night to go play basketball. When we get there they obviously have a new rule that the basketball and racquetball courts are to be closed every day from 10pm until 6am until they can get a new security camera system installed in there. I was already mad about how much money I pay for never using the gym and decided this was my last straw. I marched to the counter and told them that "I come to the gym about once a month and every time it is to play basketball in the middle of the night. Since I can't even play basketball tonight I want to cancel my membership immediately." Well guess what? They got me good again! His reply was simply...."Oh, well you can't cancel your membership at night, you'll have to come in during the day time if you want to do that." Like I am ever going to do that!
Josh and I both have stuff we need to take care of at the License Branch and we decided to go the first thing in the morning so that we can hopefully avoid waiting in too many long lines. Therefore, I am writing this blog to try to pass some time before we leave....of course I had to stay up all night if I am ever going to make it there when they open the doors. I am sure I will have plenty more stories to blog about after my inevitably awful trip to the License branch.
Week 4:
Online: +$1,736
Live: +$4,639
A really good week so far considering I already took a day off and still have 4 days left to play.
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Bowling and some ho hum poker....
I finally put together a pretty solid night in my bowling league. I bowled a 191-236-222 for a 649 series. I didn't break any personal records or anything (255 high game and 680 high series), but it had been a while since I bowled a 600+ series. I beat everyone on our team which is one of the few times that has ever happened. It just so happens that the night before when a few of us were at some hole-in-the-wall karaoke bar I promised Marc that I was going to embarrass him in front of his girlfriend if he brought her to watch us bowl. Of course he wanted me to lock in a bet with him right then and there. We agreed to lock up a huge $2 bet for the next night and we were to bowl straight up. I have a 179 average and Marc has a 194 average so he was definitely getting WAY the best of this bet, but it clearly wasn't about the money anyway. I had him sign the bills as a joke and I am definitely NOT betting him next week....gotta lock up that profit! Just to rub it in a little more here is a scanned copy of the two bills I won from him...

I took the entire day off yesterday just because I finally went to the gym and also had bowling. I was also feeling pretty lazy and it just felt like a good time to take a day off. I played about 6 hours today and won $659. Sunday night I also decided to play some 1/2 heads up cash games just to goof off and I played awful and lost $259. So far my week looks like this...
Week 4:
Online: +$1,736
Live: +$3,189
I might head to the Wynn tonight and see if I can find some more juicy PLO action.

I took the entire day off yesterday just because I finally went to the gym and also had bowling. I was also feeling pretty lazy and it just felt like a good time to take a day off. I played about 6 hours today and won $659. Sunday night I also decided to play some 1/2 heads up cash games just to goof off and I played awful and lost $259. So far my week looks like this...
Week 4:
Online: +$1,736
Live: +$3,189
I might head to the Wynn tonight and see if I can find some more juicy PLO action.
Sunday, March 2, 2008
A good week 3 and a solid start of week 4...
After my attempt to pull out my hair yesterday I settled down and played some PLO as a change of pace. I ran extremely hot and won $1,182 in only two hours of playing two tables. I ended up winning $633 yesterday online even after my epic downswing to end my hold'em session. Josh and I then went to play live at the Wynn. I made a couple of pretty bad calls that kept me from having a winning session. I only lost $55 though so it didn't end up too bad.
I ended up playing 32.5 hours online this week which means I reached my goal of playing 30 hours online for the second consecutive week (in week 1 I only played 28 hours).
So far these are my win rates for the 1st 3 weeks of playing online:
Week 1: -1.76 BB/100 hands
Week 2: 4.86 BB/100 hands
Week 3: 4.48 BB/100 hands
Hopefully week 4 will be in the 5-7 range even though mid 4's is not so bad either.
Here are my monetary figures after the 1st 3 full weeks.
Week 1
Online: -$2,712 (28 hours)
Live: +$1,297 (8 hours)
Total: -$1,415
Week 2
Online: +$6,328 (36.5 hours!!)
Live: -$1,265 (8 hours)
Total: +$5,063
Week 3
Online: +$3,680 (32.5 hours)
Live: +$3,673 (16 hours)
Total: $7,353
Online: +$7,296 (99 hours and about 42,000 hands)
Live: +$3,705 (32 hours)
Total: +$11,001 (About 130 hours total)
Things are starting to shape up a bit and I am happy with my last two weeks. They could definitely be better and I think week 4 will be better, because I am getting more comfortable playing 6 max and I should be able to make the transition to play 6 tables instead of 4 really soon.
I had a good a start to week 4 already even though I donked off some more money in STUPID tournaments. I played the $216 on Full Tilt along with the $109 (6 max) rebuy as well. Of course I didn't cash in either one and lost $525 playing in those. However, I did manage to win $1,861 in the cash games while I was wasting money in the tourneys.
So my week 4 has started off on a good note....
Online: +$1,336
Live: +$3,189
Josh and I are headed to go play some more live poker now. I hope the PLO is as good as it was two nights ago!
**Edit** It turns out that the PLO was as good tonight as it was two nights ago! I played for about 3.5 hours and won $3,189. It was the first time I have ever experienced feeling like I was for sure the best player in a PLO game. I often feel like I am the best player in the game when playing NL, but it was a different feeling to feel like that during PLO. It sure made it much more fun to be able to open up my game and not have to play such ABC poker.
Oh...as far as my weight loss goal is going....I reached a new low this week. I was down to 228 lbs and I only have 8 more lbs to go to reach my goal of 220 lbs and 4 weeks left to do it. I still can't get myself to go to the gym, but I am still eating healthy. I could really be doing some serious damage if I could just GET TO THE GYM!
I ended up playing 32.5 hours online this week which means I reached my goal of playing 30 hours online for the second consecutive week (in week 1 I only played 28 hours).
So far these are my win rates for the 1st 3 weeks of playing online:
Week 1: -1.76 BB/100 hands
Week 2: 4.86 BB/100 hands
Week 3: 4.48 BB/100 hands
Hopefully week 4 will be in the 5-7 range even though mid 4's is not so bad either.
Here are my monetary figures after the 1st 3 full weeks.
Week 1
Online: -$2,712 (28 hours)
Live: +$1,297 (8 hours)
Total: -$1,415
Week 2
Online: +$6,328 (36.5 hours!!)
Live: -$1,265 (8 hours)
Total: +$5,063
Week 3
Online: +$3,680 (32.5 hours)
Live: +$3,673 (16 hours)
Total: $7,353
Online: +$7,296 (99 hours and about 42,000 hands)
Live: +$3,705 (32 hours)
Total: +$11,001 (About 130 hours total)
Things are starting to shape up a bit and I am happy with my last two weeks. They could definitely be better and I think week 4 will be better, because I am getting more comfortable playing 6 max and I should be able to make the transition to play 6 tables instead of 4 really soon.
I had a good a start to week 4 already even though I donked off some more money in STUPID tournaments. I played the $216 on Full Tilt along with the $109 (6 max) rebuy as well. Of course I didn't cash in either one and lost $525 playing in those. However, I did manage to win $1,861 in the cash games while I was wasting money in the tourneys.
So my week 4 has started off on a good note....
Online: +$1,336
Live: +$3,189
Josh and I are headed to go play some more live poker now. I hope the PLO is as good as it was two nights ago!
**Edit** It turns out that the PLO was as good tonight as it was two nights ago! I played for about 3.5 hours and won $3,189. It was the first time I have ever experienced feeling like I was for sure the best player in a PLO game. I often feel like I am the best player in the game when playing NL, but it was a different feeling to feel like that during PLO. It sure made it much more fun to be able to open up my game and not have to play such ABC poker.
Oh...as far as my weight loss goal is going....I reached a new low this week. I was down to 228 lbs and I only have 8 more lbs to go to reach my goal of 220 lbs and 4 weeks left to do it. I still can't get myself to go to the gym, but I am still eating healthy. I could really be doing some serious damage if I could just GET TO THE GYM!
Saturday, March 1, 2008
I literally just tried to pull my hair out....
I had probably the best start to an online session I have ever had today and I felt invincible and on top of the world....I was on my way to a +$10k week....sweet! Then, just as it seems EVERY day online has been going for me I went in the extreme opposite direction that I had been going. My last two buy-ins lost could have been avoided or at least minimized if I had I been playing my best, but after I lost my last one I seriously grabbed a hand full of hair in each fist and pulled about as hard as I could. I wish I could have somehow recorded it on a webcam so that you could all watch me do it. I am sure it would have been really hilarious for anyone but me to watch. Then as if I wasn't tilted enough......as I was trying to pull my hair out I realized how long my hair was and that I needed to get it cut. Fyi, the process of getting my haircut is near the top of my list of "most hated chores"....I'll let you read it sometime.
I hope you all enjoyed picturing me tilting and the next time you hear someone say that such and such makes you "want to pull your hair out" you can think back about how retarded I am and that poker makes me "TRY to pull my hair our"
Enjoy...this one is a doozy!
I hope you all enjoyed picturing me tilting and the next time you hear someone say that such and such makes you "want to pull your hair out" you can think back about how retarded I am and that poker makes me "TRY to pull my hair our"
Enjoy...this one is a doozy!

Nothing is official yet......
.....but it is possible that I am in the beginning of a heater!
I played a little over 4 hours and 1500 hands today online and won $387. Winning the $387 is OK, but nothing too special. However, Josh and I went to the Wynn to meet Micon, one of his buddies, and Richie to play some cash games. I had to wait for a little bit to get a seat and I was on the list for 5/10 NLHE and 5/5 PLO. I preferred to play the PLO since I had been playing NLHE all day online already. I got called for the NL first and got dealt QQ on my very first hand in the big blind. Long story short.....some terrible Asian guy that I had played PLO with the day before paid me off as he said..."Well, I hope you have Ace-King" while he was putting his last $500 in. Sweet! A gift double up on my first hand. I then got called for the PLO game and I moved over there. The game was amazing! There was a guy playing that was one of the biggest idiots I have ever encountered at a poker table. He refused to ever have any more than $100 in 5-Dollar chips in front of him. Any time he got more than $100 in 5-Dollar chips in front of him he made the dealer call a chip runner so he could color up. Another time he tried to post his $5 blind, but used a $25 chip to do so, because he didn't have any $5 chips....I tried to help out the situation by making change for his $25 chip by putting a $5 chip out for his blind, giving him 4-$5 chips as change and putting the $25 chip in my stack. Wow, he did NOT like that one bit! He yelled at the dealer to tell her I had to give his chip back. Of course I didn't object in the first place (I was honestly just trying to be nice by helping him and the dealer out) so I gave him his chip back and took mine back as well. It was really comical how he was so worried about the most asinine stuff you could ever imagine. I beat him in several pots and he probably told me 20 times that if I would stay long enough he was going to bust me even though I had about $4,000 in my stack and he had less than $1,000. He also told me countless times that he couldn't wait to play cash games against me this year at the world series.....as if the cash games at the WSOP are the only cash games that really matter and/or that he only brought his "A-game" when he was playing at the WSOP. To say that he was bizarre would be a huge understatement. Anyway, he probably ended up being stuck about $6,000 in the game so I wasn't complaining about having to put up with his shenanigans. I ended up winning $2241 playing PLO and $1035 playing NLHE for a total of $3276 so it was a very productive night of live play.
Last night Matt and I played 5/10/20 PLO for about 5 or 6 hours and I never really played any big pots and ended up losing $668....a pretty small loss for those stakes.
So far I am having a pretty good week 3. Here is how is looks after today:
Live: +$3,728
Online: +$3,047
Total: $6,775
My playing weeks starts on Sunday so I still have tomorrow to try to improve on my already solid week. I have played just under 27 hours online already so I only need to play 3 more hours tomorrow to get to my goal of 30. Hopefully, my mini-heater will continue tomorrow and give me a good start for what is sure to be a wildly successful March!
I played a little over 4 hours and 1500 hands today online and won $387. Winning the $387 is OK, but nothing too special. However, Josh and I went to the Wynn to meet Micon, one of his buddies, and Richie to play some cash games. I had to wait for a little bit to get a seat and I was on the list for 5/10 NLHE and 5/5 PLO. I preferred to play the PLO since I had been playing NLHE all day online already. I got called for the NL first and got dealt QQ on my very first hand in the big blind. Long story short.....some terrible Asian guy that I had played PLO with the day before paid me off as he said..."Well, I hope you have Ace-King" while he was putting his last $500 in. Sweet! A gift double up on my first hand. I then got called for the PLO game and I moved over there. The game was amazing! There was a guy playing that was one of the biggest idiots I have ever encountered at a poker table. He refused to ever have any more than $100 in 5-Dollar chips in front of him. Any time he got more than $100 in 5-Dollar chips in front of him he made the dealer call a chip runner so he could color up. Another time he tried to post his $5 blind, but used a $25 chip to do so, because he didn't have any $5 chips....I tried to help out the situation by making change for his $25 chip by putting a $5 chip out for his blind, giving him 4-$5 chips as change and putting the $25 chip in my stack. Wow, he did NOT like that one bit! He yelled at the dealer to tell her I had to give his chip back. Of course I didn't object in the first place (I was honestly just trying to be nice by helping him and the dealer out) so I gave him his chip back and took mine back as well. It was really comical how he was so worried about the most asinine stuff you could ever imagine. I beat him in several pots and he probably told me 20 times that if I would stay long enough he was going to bust me even though I had about $4,000 in my stack and he had less than $1,000. He also told me countless times that he couldn't wait to play cash games against me this year at the world series.....as if the cash games at the WSOP are the only cash games that really matter and/or that he only brought his "A-game" when he was playing at the WSOP. To say that he was bizarre would be a huge understatement. Anyway, he probably ended up being stuck about $6,000 in the game so I wasn't complaining about having to put up with his shenanigans. I ended up winning $2241 playing PLO and $1035 playing NLHE for a total of $3276 so it was a very productive night of live play.
Last night Matt and I played 5/10/20 PLO for about 5 or 6 hours and I never really played any big pots and ended up losing $668....a pretty small loss for those stakes.
So far I am having a pretty good week 3. Here is how is looks after today:
Live: +$3,728
Online: +$3,047
Total: $6,775
My playing weeks starts on Sunday so I still have tomorrow to try to improve on my already solid week. I have played just under 27 hours online already so I only need to play 3 more hours tomorrow to get to my goal of 30. Hopefully, my mini-heater will continue tomorrow and give me a good start for what is sure to be a wildly successful March!
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